IETLS BAND 9/** Vocabulary **
01. at the expense of sth | ~를 희생해가며, ~에게 해를 끼쳐가며IETLS BAND 9/** Vocabulary ** 2023. 12. 14. 12:42
at the expense of sth > He finished the job at the expense of his health. 그는 건강을 해쳐 가며 그 일을 끝마쳤다. > Some people seem like that they are too enjoying their youth at the expense of money and time that could possibly need in the future.몇몇 사람은 미래에 필요할지도 모르는 돈과 시간을 희생해가며 젊음을 과하게 즐기는 것 같다.